Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hospitals deporting illegal aliens

Incredible how the anti-immigrant sentiment that is widespread among Americans has made its way into institutions charged with providing care. Immigration reform is going to take some drastic changes in coming years; I just hope that ridiculous notions of walls and mass-deportations fall by the wayside. Those who create notions that these are some kind of 'silver bullet' solutions have no concept of the complexities of immigration trends around the world, what fuels immigration into this country and the important role that immigrants play in our economy and our culture as a whole. If people are apprehended by the police and discovered to be here illegally, I understand that they can be deported but don't think that they should unless they have broken a law (apart from residency). Regardless, for hospitals and non-law enforcement groups to take a role in the deportation of undocumented people is horrific and must not endure.

NYT Series explores the role of resources in African conflicts

A new series from the New York Times is delving into the role of natural resources in African conflicts.  The series begins in Congo, where...